Our Packages

Window Cleaning

A clean window will change your perspective about the outside world. We clean windows with advanced window cleaner chemicals.

Door Cleaning

Door cleaning and polishing of your home doors with our highly effective chemicals, gives them a clean and welcoming look.

Sofa Cleaning

We do sofa cleaning with the industrial wet & dry vacuum cleaner.
Dry vacuum + Shampooing + Wet vacuum = A spick & span sofa.

Parking Cleaning

Parking is the place from where you enter your house every-day, and so its a must to keep it clean, so that you get a fresh feeling whenever you reach your house. We do it efficiently with our “high-pressure jet machine.”

Floor Cleaning

A clean house is first recognised by its clean floor. We will help you in maintaining it spick & span.

Fan Cleaning

We keep your fans clean & tidy, so that your house is always filled with “fresh air.”

Toilet cleaning

A healthy house is wherein there is a toilet, not just a toilet but a clean & bacteria free toilet. We will help you keep it clean and sanitised with our new “Steamer machine.”